Your experience could encourage other mothers to breastfeed. Share your story with us along with a couple snapshots and you may be featured in "Mom Talk" or throughout our website.
Contact: mmcmillion@osteo.wvsom.edu

I have had three boys and breastfeed all of them for as long as they will let me. My two older sons weaned themselves at about 11 months and I’m still nursing my youngest who is 3 months. I never thought about if I would or wouldn’t nurse my children, it just seemed so natural. It’s a beautiful thing that our bodies are capable of providing babies with everything they need to survive and grow. Just simply amazing! I can’t help my heart from melting when I look down and see that little baby staring up at me smiling as he nurses.
Anna Payne
Anna Payne
I have had three boys and breastfeed all of them for as long as they will let me. My two older sons weaned themselves at about 11 months and I’m still nursing my youngest who is 3 months. I never thought about if I would or wouldn’t nurse my children, it just seemed so natural. It’s a beautiful thing that our bodies are capable of providing babies with everything they need to survive and grow. Just simply amazing! I can’t help my heart from melting when I look down and see that little baby staring up at me smiling as he nurses.

When I was pregnant with my daughter, Julie, I always thought that breastfeeding would be easy and would happen naturally. Unfortunately, that was not the case for me. Julie had a terrible time nursing. She refused to latch for the first 8 weeks and I needed to pump every 2 hours around the clock to bottle feed her breast milk. Between the sore, cracked nipples and the fact that I wasn’t able to pump enough to meet her needs and had to supplement with formula after the first few weeks, I was exhausted and ready to give up. Thankfully I had found a breastfeeding support group and with the help and encouragement from everyone there, we succeeded and I was able to stop using formula and breastfeed my daughter until she was 18 months old! I still go to the support group meetings and am now 39 weeks pregnant with my 2nd daughter. I hope breastfeeding goes well this time, but I’m so glad to have a great group of ladies around for support if it doesn’t. If you are in or near the Clarksburg area and are breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed, the group and info on the days/times of our meetings can be found on Facebook under North Central WV Breastfeeding Coalition. We would love to have you join us!